
Les autocars HIGER ont des performances prouvées en matière de sécurité et de stabilité, intégrant économie et luxe. Avec un châssis mature, un design populaire et une qualité excellente, ils sont largement appréciés sur le marché.

Autobus urbain

L'autobus urbain HIGER a ouvert un nouvel horizon avec son design centré sur l'humain. Grâce aux améliorations substantielles dans la conception des produits, la qualité, l'adaptabilité et la performance, les bus urbains HIGER sont très populaires sur tous les marchés.


La VAN HIGER a été récompensée en tant que produit phare pour les déplacements officiels et professionnels grâce à sa qualité exceptionnelle et ses performances sécuritaires, offrant ainsi davantage de choix aux clients.


HIGER se concentre également sur les véhicules intelligents, les ambulances, les fourgons de patrouille et les fourgonnettes cargo.

La Valeur de la Marque Higer Dépasse 66,5 milliards de RMB

Le 26 juillet, la 19e Conférence sur les Marques Mondiales organisée par World Brand Lab s’est tenue à Pékin. Une liste des 500 MARQUES LES PLUS VALABLES DE CHINE a été officiellement publiée lors de cette conférence. Basée à Suzhou et avec une valeur de marque totale de 66,539 milliards de RMB, Higer se classe 130e de la liste.

Surmontant de nombreux défis et difficultés, Higer a pris une série de mesures efficaces afin de renforcer sa compétitivité globale au cours de la dernière année et a maintenu un élan à croissance rapide.

L’industrie mondiale des autobus a connu de nombreux changements en raison de l’impact considérable de Covid-19, qui a entraîné une forte demande de véhicules anti-épidémie et a fait passer la demande de véhicules plus grands à une demande plus importante d’autobus plus petits.

À cette fin, Higer a développé avec succès le bus Ruixing de 9 places, positionné sur le marché du transport touristique et des services de transport personnalisés. Les conducteurs titulaires du permis C peuvent conduire ce bus.

Le 29 avril, 16 autocars de voyage Higer View à l’apparence attrayante ont officiellement commencé à circuler sur la ligne de bus touristique de Chongqing, aidant la ville à améliorer davantage son image urbaine. L’autocar a gagné le 20e Prix du Brevet Chinois décerné par l’Office National de la Propriété Intellectuelle (SIPO).

Depuis l’épidémie de COVID-19, Higer a développé avec succès des ambulances à pression négative, des véhicules de test des acides nucléiques, des bus légers multifonctionnels, des laboratoires mobiles de PCR, etc., et a ainsi apporté une contribution significative à la lutte contre les pandémies.

En outre, Higer met pleinement en œuvre la gestion du cycle de vie des produits, ce qui garantit la valeur maximale des véhicules. Au début de cette année, le constructeur d’autobus a reçu une lettre d’appréciation du Comité d’Organisation des Jeux Olympiques d’Hiver 2022 de Pékin pour le niveau élevé de son service professionnel. Pendant les Jeux, près de 500 autobus de Higer ont parcouru de manière fluide pour plus de 750 000 kilomètres, offrant un voyage pratique et confortable à 325 000 passagers. Selon Higer, ses autobus purement électriques KLQ6121, KLQ6127 et ceux à pile à hydrogène KLQ6127 ont été désignés comme transporteurs pour les Jeux olympiques d’hiver de 2022 à Pékin. En outre, une équipe après-vente constituée de plus de 30 ingénieurs de service était sur les différents sites de compétition.

Les autobus et autocars de Higer ont également été utilisés dans divers événements de haut profil, comme le Forum de Bo’ao pour l’Asie pour la 13e année consécutive, les Compétitions préliminaires de la Coupe du monde 2022, les quarts de finale de la Coupe de la Confédération de la CAF, la Coupe du monde 2018 en Russie, la Coupe du monde 2022 au Qatar, etc.

En 2005, Higer a commencé à développer des bus à pile à hydrogène. Un an plus tard, son autobus à pile à hydrogène de première génération a fait ses débuts. Avec de nombreuses percées technologiques, Higer a travaillé en étroite collaboration avec d’autres entreprises connues, notamment Toyota, SinoHytec, Shenwei Shixing, etc. Jusqu’à présent, les bus à pile à hydrogène de Higer ont été mis en service dans beaucoup de villes chinoises. En outre, les poids lourds à pile à hydrogène de Higer ont été délivrés à un certain nombre de clients, dont Baowu Baosteel, etc.

Politique de confidentialité


This Privacy Policy explains how the personal information (" Data ") you provide to and collected by Higer Bus Company Limited (" Us ", "our" or the "Company") through this Website will be processed in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

We are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy.

1.    How do we get the data

The following data may be collected, processed and stored:



Sales marketing

Contact person (such as legal representative/responsible person, agent, service return contact person), contact number, fax, gender, nationality, email address, hobbies, marital status, religion.

after-sale service

Contact person (such as: the person in charge of the maintenance station, service station salesman, repairman, repairer, car owner), nationality, contact telephone, fax, E-mail, contact address, ID number, account information;

Factory number, vehicle VIN code, vehicle license plate, total mileage, factory date, engine number, serial number, diagnostic data.

the use of vehicles

End function

Vehicle performance and operation data, such as vehicle component information, light signals, door signals, interior environment, vehicle electrical status, braking information, battery usage, engine data, tire status.

Vehicle and cloud interaction management

Location information, vehicle Vin code, vehicle operation data, such as braking, power, body status information.

Driver assistance alarm

Driver image information, positioning information, vehicle operation data, such as speed, steering, steering wheel Angle, braking, gear position, function switch information, fatigue warning information, blind area alarm information, blind area image information, driving area alarm information, vehicle front image information.

Remote upgrade and diagnosis

Vehicle brand, vehicle series, vehicle configuration, vehicle VIN code, vehicle ID, software version, hardware version, device ID, device key, diagnostic report, diagnostic log, location information.

vendor contact

Contact, phone, email, fax, address

Inaddition, in order to meet the requirements of laws and regulations such as2021/1341/EU R151/R159/R158, the external cameras and sensors installed on thevehicle are mainly used to collect video stream images for vehicle earlywarning to ensure vehicle safety, and will not collect any biological information from you. The data collected by such sensors will also not be usedto track you or identify you personally. We will install monitoring systems insome vehicles as specified by customers/dealers, the ownership of the data inthe monitoring system does not belong to us, and we will not process (includingbut not limited to collect, store, use, change, delete and other processing measures) any data in the monitoring system.

Typically,you provide this data to us, but in some cases, we may collect data about youfrom third parties or public records. We protect data obtained from such third parties in accordance with the practices described in this Privacy Statement.

2.    How do we use data

Wemay process the data we collect for the following purposes:

i.   Meet any specific information requests that you submit through the Website;

ii.  To discover and meet the needs of our current and potential customers (marketing),for example by conducting market research or conducting customer satisfactionsurveys, sending business communications and newsletters, and advertising abou tour products and services. All of these activities may be carried out by hardcopy, automatic or electronic means, including by letter or email, telephone (such as automated smart outbound, SMS, MMS, fax) and any other means (such aswebsites, mobile applications);

iii.  Fulfill our contractual obligations, such as: providing services required by customers,providing on-board functions on demand, providing remote diagnostics, upgradingand making maintenance plans, and providing support;

iv.   Share your information with our other subsidiaries and affiliates, as well as our network of authorized resellers and distributors, who may use the information to send business communications and advertise their products and services, orto conduct market research and customer satisfaction surveys.

Please note that you can withdraw your consent at any time by sending an email to 

Data may be processed electronically in IT systems or manually in paper form. Datawill be processed and stored throughout its life cycle, in accordance with theprinciples of fairness, legality and transparency, and in compliance with applicable laws and regulations to ensure data security and confidentiality.

3. Impact of failure to provide data

Submission of data was never mandatory. However, failure to provide the required data,which is marked as required, may prevent us from providing the services orproducts you require, or may cause us to provide the services or products you require less than ideal. On the other hand, if the data marked as optional isnot provided, you can obtain the service or receive the product in any case.

4. How do we share your data

Weare a company specializing in the manufacture of buses, and subject to the applicable laws and regulations regarding data storage and cross-bordertransfer of data, data may be shared and passed on to the trustee, such as: Our subsidiaries, affiliates, and joint ventures, service product suppliers,authorized resellers, distributors and business partners in or outside the People's Republic of China in which we are directly or indirectly involved havespecific contractual obligations and may only use them for the purposesdescribed above.

Data may be provided to other trusted trustees in order to fulfill legal obligations, manage and maintain the security of the Company, protect therights or property of the Company, and respond to orders from relevant government authorities.

5. Retain your personal data

5.1 In order to provide you with products or services, your data may be transferred tothe territory of the People's Republic of China, including storing such data indigital or physical databases managed on our behalf. Database management anddata processing are limited to the above data processing purposes, and we willperform the necessary assessments required by laws and regulations and meet therequirements of privacy protection laws to ensure that data is adequatelyprotected.

5.2 For the purposes stated in the Cost Statement, we will retain and maintain yourpersonal data in our systems and files for the shortest period permitted by lawand regulations, taking into account legal and contractual requirements whereapplicable, unless the storage period is extended for your benefit.

When the data is no longer necessary for the purpose for which it was processed, thedata will be deleted or stored in a form that does not allow the identificationof the data subject, provided that we are not legally required or permitted tohold the data.

5.3 During the data retention period, if we receive your deletion request, we will deleteyour personal data according to your request, unless it needs to be retainedfor a certain period of time according to the requirements of relevant laws andregulations. In any case, we will comply with the above principles and theguidelines provided by the relevant privacy authorities in this regard.

6. Your rights to your data

Youmay exercise your rights under applicable laws and regulations, including:

Right to information andaccess: theright to receive an explanation from the processor as to how your personalinformation is processed, for what purpose and with whom it is shared, and theright to request access to your personal data.

Right of correction: The right to request theprocessor to correct personal data that you may consider inaccurate and tocomplete incomplete information, including by providing a supplementarystatement.

Right to deletion: The right to request theprocessor to delete your personal data without undue delay, subject toapplicable laws and regulations.

Right of data portability: The right to request theprocessor to transfer your personal data to another designated processorwithout being obstructed by the processor.

Right to withdraw consent: You can withdraw your consentto the collection, storage and processing of your personal data at any time.

Youcan exercise these rights by contacting us in the following ways:

Email to:

If you send us a request, we may need to obtain additional personal information from you to verify your identity and contact you if necessary. Thisinformation, as well as other data already in our possession, will be processedin accordance with applicable law to meet your request. When necessary, certain information may be transferred to a subsidiary or affiliate of Higer Bus Company Limited asa trustee to meet your requirements. Your personal data will be processed foras long as it takes to evaluate and process your request, after which your data will be archived for an appropriate period of time so that we can demonstrate that the request has been processed correctly and in a timely manner.

7. Updates to this Privacy Statement

This Privacy Statement is updated in September , 2024 . We reserve the right to modify orupdate this Privacy Statement at any time to adapt to changes in laws,regulations and our processes. We will post updates on this site from time to time, and this information is effective at the time of Posting. We encourage you to periodically review this Privacy Statement to understand how we protect your information.